why always me.. why always me.. why always me..: cuma bisa... bisa cumaa... tapi ga bisa.. apadeh
why always me.. why always me.. why always me..: cuma bisa... bisa cumaa... tapi ga bisa.. apadeh

blah. blah. blah.
Theme: AI. Cinta tak Pernah Lelah Menanti.
Since: dd/mm/yy
Best view: Mozilla Firefox. 1366x768 resolution.
Stat: Site counter, calendar, absolutely anything. Be creative.

please read before proceeding
Overall layout and pictures made by EdotenseiHime.
Do not use this layout or modyfying it without asking for permission first.
Beside that, you can write down your rulez here. Just if u're the type.
Hope you enjoy your time blog walking ^^
